2022 Neco history questions and answers

2022 Neco history questions and answers



(NO 2)
Most Nupe are farmers, and the staple crops are millet, guinea-corn, yams, rice, and groundnuts. Cassava, maize, and sweet potatoes (grown inland) are of secondary importance. The large proportion of seasonally flooded (fadama) land has allowed a greater emphasis on growing rice, sugarcane, and onions. This has encouraged the establishment of commercial growing and refining of sugar at Bacita. The Nupe practice hoe agriculture, using a large, heavy hoe called a zuku and a small hoe called dugba. The Nupe system of agriculture is based on shifting cultivation combined with rotation of crops. The low population densities and less intense form of agriculture allowed more of the original savanna to survive, and woodland products are significant, particularly from the shea-butter tree and the locust-bean tree. There are many fishermen in the villages on the banks of the Niger and Kaduna rivers and their tributaries. Cattle raising is engaged in by the Bororo Fulani, who move their herds from one pasture to another as necessity dictates.
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(NO 3)

Social and political organization of pre-colonial Izon (Ijaw) society
Generally, the Ijo are regarded as a non centralized group. Ikime (1980) has characterized the Ijo political system as that of a fragmented society in which the village group made up of people who claim descent from a given ancestor through the male line constitutes the bases of governance Essentially, the village is divided into quarters which are lineage groups usually founded by the various sons of the founder of the village. Each quarter is in turn made up of extended families each of which normally lives within a definite compound. In such a compound would be a man and his wives as well as grown-up sons and their wives and children. The compound represents the smallest unit of political and social organization amongst the Ijo.
Writing of the political structure among the western Ijo-our area of study, Alagoa as quoted by Okpevra (2005) informs that: “… the oldest man is automatically the head of the village community. He becomes the Ama-Okosowei, town-elder and Chairman of the village council, Amagula. The executive duties of the village council, Amagula, were, however, performed by a younger leader, the Ogulasuowei or spokesman. And in religious matters too, each village had its priest, Orukarowei, and the ethnic unit, Ibe, comprising a number of villages, had a chief priest, Pere. The Pere presided over the annual gathering of the Ibe members at the shine of the group god. … The Ama-Okosowei’s village administration was the unit of political organization in the western Delta, the ties of the Ibe consisting of a common dialect, usually a common group god, and the belief in common ancestor.
On the whole, the basic Ijo political system in pre-colonial times was a stateless organization based on the autonomous settlement, devoid of a centralizing force.

Section B

An unforgettable event occurred across the ancient Hausa land in 1804 when Usman dan Fodio launched a jihad war that overran almost all northern and some parts of Yoruba land. After about one hundred and ten years of that jihad, precisely in 1914, the colonial government unified both the ancient Hausa states and all the parts that were conquered by the jihad with other tribes that never knew about the jihad to produce the present day Nigerian state. About forty six years after that unification, Nigeria secured the so-called independence from her colonial masters. In spite of its deficiencies, the unilateral amalgamation was sustained by Nigerians with the aim of having a nation state like other progressive nations of the world, where all avenues should be exploited to make her an economically strong and virile nation. A place where like the Independence National Anthem acknowledged and reflected; “though tribe and tongue may differ, in brotherhood we stand”. Many of the citizens yearned for a united country where tribes and tongues may naturally differ, yet live in peace and harmony as one united and indivisible country. A country where people can stand for brotherhood and be proud to serve their sovereign motherland as symbolized in the Green-White- Green of the national flag, that signifies Peace, Justice and Prosperity. Incidentally, this was echoed by the preface of the Nigerian 1999 Constitution as amended in 2011, “we the people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria having firmly and solemnly resolved to live in unity and harmony as one indivisible and indissoluble sovereign nation under God.


The Nigerian Civil War (6 July 1967 – 15 January 1970; also known as the Nigerian-Biafran War or the Biafran War) was a civil war fought between the government of Nigeria and the Republic of Biafra, a secessionist state which had declared its independence from Nigeria in 1967. Nigeria was led by General Yakubu Gowon, while Biafra was led by Lt. Colonel Odumegwu Ojukwu.
The Nigerian Civil War lasted for two and a half years, from July 1967 until January 1970. Although many other African civil wars lasted much longer,.

(NO 8)
(1) Nigeria has contributed towards the annual budget of the ECOWAS which has been used to execute the numerous social and economic programmes of the Community.

(2) Nigeria has helped to facilitate commerce and trade through the construction of roads linking up member states.

(3)She has contributed to the construction of a permanent Secretariat (Headquarters) in Abuja.

(4) Nigeria has regularly attended ECOWAS summits and Heads of Government meetings.

(5)Our country has participated in sports and cultural activities.

(No 8)


Mr Abiante, in the motion, said Nigeria has contributed more than $1.177billion to the ECOWAS as its community levy, and this is the highest contribution by any member state since its inception.

According to the lawmaker, the country is also contributing energy to member states and also military personnel for peacekeeping in Gambia, Mali, Sierra Leone, Guinea Bissau, and Liberia, among others.

He expressed dissatisfaction with the “big brother” approach of the federal government.
(NUMBER 8. Another Version)

(i) Provision of high profile personnel for
the ECOWAS Secretariat agencies since its inception.
(ii) Nigeria Heads of State had served as
chairmen of ECOWAS.
(iii) Nigeria has played major roles in peace-keeping operations in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Cote d’lvoire.
(iv) Nigeria regularly attends all ECOWAS summits.
(v) Nigeria contributes to the development of ECOWAS by hosting summits and conferences.
(vi) Membership of ECOWAS Parliament
makes Nigeria to contribute to sub- regional issues.
(vii) Financial contributions: Nigeria pays her dues regularly to both the secretariat and the ECOWAS Fund
(viii) Actively participates in ECOWAS sponsored activities like trade fair, sports etc.

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